Villakku lamps are not just beautiful lighting pieces-they hold cultural significance in many Indian households. Traditionally used during worship and festivals, these lamps are known for their elegance and functionality. Whether you’re buying a new or antique Villakku, there are a few key factors you should consider to ensure you’re getting the best quality.

What Makes the Villakku Special?

A Villakku is a traditional oil lamp that holds deep roots in Indian culture. While it is used for rituals and festivities, it is also an important symbol of light and positivity in Indian homes.

They can range from simple single-wick lamps to multi-wick masterpieces. Some even feature intricate carvings that represent the region or culture where they originated.

Types of Villakus
Nilavilakku: A traditional brass villakku like the one pictured below. You see versions of these at inaugrations. Kuthu villakku is a Tamil word meaning upright lamp. And this is a type of kuthu villaku.

Annapakshi This is a more ornate Kuthu villakku with a bird – pakshi, on top. Traditionally, it is supposed to be a swan, but these days we also see peacocks popular

Thookuvilakku Hanging villakkus are called thooku villaku. They can be plain like the Nilavilakku, or ornate like the Annapakshi. The one featured here is an ornate one.

The Syrian Christian Cross Nilavillakku is a lamp used by the Christians, with a cross on top of it. Most churches in Kerala use these, and they are charming ways to add a villakku to a Christian home! Here is the one I have in my home!

Key Factors to Consider When Buying a Villakku Lamp

- Material Matters: Whether you want a brass lamp for its traditional look or a silver one for elegance, the material will determine the lamp’s look and longevity.
- Size & Design: Villakku lamps come in a variety of sizes and designs-from small personal lamps to large, multi-wick lamps used in ceremonies.
- Antique vs. New: Antique lamps offer rich history, intricate designs, and unmatched charm. New lamps are perfect for modern homes and often feature unique styles.
- Weight: When buying an antique lamp especially, try holding it on the palms of your hand, to ‘feel’ the weight. Old lamps, even smaller ones should feel substantially heavy.

Want to Make an Informed Purchase?
If you’re interested in learning more about choosing the perfect Villakku lamp-whether new or antique-my comprehensive guide to buying a Villakku lamp is here for you.
This guide covers:
- Material choices and their significance.
- Regional variations of Villakku lamps, including designs from Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.
- Tips on buying authentic antique lamps and ensuring quality.
Get your FREE guide now!

All you have to do is click the link below to receive your downloadable guide and make an informed decision when buying your next Villakku lamp!
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