Turkish Bowls on sale at Loaded Trunk

Roni from The Loaded Trunk posted on FB about a discount on the lovely hand-painted Turkish bowls in her store.

hand-painted Turkish ceramic bowls

hand-painted Turkish ceramic bowls

hand-painted Turkish ceramic bowls

hand-painted Turkish ceramic bowls

Aren’t they gorgeous? More details are available here.
From her post it looked like it was a one-day sale, so you better rush!

If you missed the previous post on The Keybunch, Rekha has initiated a lovely flower-themed bloggy link party here, so make sure you participate!


  1. These are beautiful 🙂

  2. They're gorgeous, the plates even more so…but golly are they expensive (even on sale!). I'll drool from a distance……

  3. They are not your everyday copies! These are hand made and hand painted ceramics, an ancient craft from Turkey. They are for the discerning entertainer as they must be cared for like they are special. They are little pieces or art that can be used. I spent time with the artist tying to re-produce a design I found in Ankara years ago. Sorry you just have to drool GB, thanks for taking the time to look at them and comment.

  4. Those bowls and platters are so gorgeous. I think I could easily lose weight trying to eat from them; I'd just turn out the food so I could admire the bowl!

  5. Beautiful pieces of work…would be happy to receive it if it were to be a giveaway.

  6. How cute are the bowls. Perfect for my kitchen.