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Get Inspired: Interesting Tablescape

Who says you need loads of space to go green? All you have to do is use your imagination and come up with something creative. I loved the way plants and lanterns have been incorporated within the table. The table-scape looks stunning when it is lit in the night. What’s […]

Home decor

The Keybunch Readers’ Favorite Corners

We are always excited when our readers write in to say how much they appreciate our blog. One of our readers, Naveena Srinivasan from Toronto sent in a few corners of her parents’ place in Bangalore. The house has been done up colorfully keeping in line with the current trends. […]

Home decor

House Tour: Kanika Bahl

What do you do when you are newly married, and have to move to a new city and set up home there? Kanika Bahl’s home should give you a tip or two on how to make your home warm, inviting and beautiful without being furniture-heavy. She moved to Pune (my […]