Happy Diwali to all the readers…so, how did your first day go? I wanted to come up with something nicer but ended up with this rangoli. The deep-frying process started a day before and continued all the way up till yesterday evening…. A couple of family friends dropped by, lunch […]
Recent Posts
Diwali Preparations
Hello! Are your Diwali preparations on? So, what did you shop for and what’s on the menu? For me, the weekend was hectic with last minute cleaning and shopping. In spite of rains trying to dampen the festive spirits, I went out shopping for some Diyas and candles inspired by […]
November Carnival: Diwali Dhamka!
Lentils, flowers and candles The festive time is around the corner and we didn’t even have to think a theme for November. With Diwali around the corner, we decided on the festive theme – Diwali Dhamaka….The lights, crackers, sweets, décor, shopping, gifts…ooh, so exciting! Bell peppers with T-light candles So, […]
October Blog Carnival Roundup
So, here is the final round up of ‘The Cook’s Nook’. Thanks for sending in the entries…it was fun visiting your kitchen, getting inspired with new ideas.One nice thing about this carnival was my kitchen got a spring clean just in time before diwali, thanks Sharon! If you haven’t checked […]
Grand Finale of the Cook’s Nook: My Kitchen
I know, I know….. I am the last one to post the entry…well, the reasons are dime a dozen. This month was a bit hectic with an extended vacation and a couple of social engagements. The main reason of course is Laziness…..I kept postponing the spring cleaning of the kitchen […]
Veena Jhanak’s Picture Perfect Kitchen
Guess where Veena dishes out all the yummy goodies she posts on her blog? In her picture perfect kitchen of course…Here’s what she had to say about her entry…. “Its the cook’s nook” October carnival at The KeyBunch – What a great opportunity to spectacle my kitchen, the niche where […]
It’s the Cook’s Nook: Neha’s Versatile Kitchen
Some greens from my garden, a copper teapot and a tiki doll from Hawaii Neha is one reader who participates in our carnivals with excitement. With just one day left to end the carnival, she sent us her entry for the Cook’s Nook just in time. Here’s what Neha had […]
House Tour: Iniyaal’s Green Home in Coimbatore
For those of us living in the concrete urban jungles, Iniyaal’s home in Coimbatore comes as a refreshing change. Saranya, fondly known as Iniyaal in the blogging world stays with her parents and sister in the midst of farms and coconut grooves. Imagine waking up each morning to the sounds […]
Shanthi’s to-die-for kitchen in Norway
Shanthi Nagothu from Norway has sent in pictures of her beautiful kitchen for our October Blog Carnival, It’s the cook’s nook! Over to Shanthi.. —————————————————————————– I have a kitchen becoz I got one with the house How does that sound! And that is me. Those of you who are […]
It’s the cook’s nook: Anpu’s lovely kitchen!
I was delighted when I recd these pics from Anpu. She is a versatile cook, and it shows in her kitchen! I am officially on a break, but hey! when I get kitchen pics like these, I would rather be blogging:)..Over to Anpu! ————————- Hey everyone…When Sharon & Rekha invited […]