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Advertorial Guest Post: The Colors of India

Today’s guest post is from Susi, a writer for Arcadian Lighting, a great resource for beautiful light fixtures. When we think of India we think of a riot of colors: bright saris, pastel buildings, flowers, and ceremonial painted cows. India does not hold back when it comes to color and […]

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Hemant Sonawane – now on Style Radha Museum

It’s my pleasure to introduce a very talented sculptor, Hemant Sonawane. Style Radha now has a high-end art museum and Hemant’s beautiful sculptures are on exhibition there. Do have a look, especially if you are designing for hotels, corporate clients or if you are an art collector. These are exclusive […]

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Sariscape Paintings by Meera Sethi

“Hold Me Close” is the first in a new series of Sariscape paintings by Toronto-based artist Meera Sethi (see her home here). Each work spans five yards, the length of a sari. Says Meera, “In this work, I use colour, geometry and embroidery to bring dreams wrapped up in folds of cloth to life. […]

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Warli in my home

I am writing this post with a sad heart. Yesterday’s Mumbai blasts took away the breadwinners of so many honest, hardworking, well-meaning families, and my heart goes out to them! Another sad day for our country…when will all this end, will it ever end? =========================================================== I hope you are all […]