India-inspired table decor ideas from Fabienne Spahn

I am a long-standing fan of Fabienne Spahn, and was delighted to see some Indian-inspired table styling ideas by this designer. Created with Nathalie Duquenne the Indian-themed tablescape which (in my limited French) j’adore is aptly titled ‘News from Delhi’

The styling is simple, pretty and elegant. Best of all, it won’t take too much of your time. Use the Keybunch tips for easy variations or time-savers.

The table napkin idea

The table napkin idea - scanned the newspaper and printed it on canson paper

The Delhi News theme was inspired by a Tamil newspaper that found its way outside India, and was treasured as a souvenir. The main focus of this style is therefore rightly, the imitation newsprint napkins. And how did the designers manage this? They scanned the newspaper and printed it on Canson paper to become a usable paper napkin! Clever!

thekeybunch tips regarding the table napkins printed with a newspaper

For reusable napkins (especially when you love the idea and don’t mind repeating it with different guests another time), get napkins printed with a newspaper article of your choice.

The desi flower idea

The desi flower idea

thekeybunch tips regarding the decorating the dinner table with desi flower

The accessorized wine goblet idea

The accessorized wine goblet idea

How cool is this idea?An Indian trinket on a wine goblet. Gets you thinking doesn’t it?

thekeybunch tips regarding the accessorized wine goblet

If you are keen on the peacock theme, you don’t have to go looking for wine glasses. Just decoupage.

The mixed table ware and Indian font dinner name cards idea

The mixed table ware and Indian font dinner name cards idea

The table ware consists of basic dishes, copper ware etc courtesy Aline Design. Below, each guest is honored with a name board in pretty Indian font, with the English translation. The name board is dipped in traditional Indian scented digestive spices.

The table ware consists of basic dishes, copper ware etc courtesy Aline Design

thekeybunch tips

Pictures courtesy:
Fabienne’s Blog
and me.


  1. Just wanted to say I really love your blog and wanted to thank you guys for your inspiration that got me starting my very own! I hope my new blog will be as great as this one day!

    Can't wait for my daily visits in 2010.

  2. hey love the desi flower arrangement and the key bunch tips

  3. wow!! great ideas!! can't wait to try them out some time soon!!! really unique!

  4. oh such lovely ideas… Loved them all.. Hey… even the variations are great ideas..

  5. The newspaper napkins are fun!

  6. lotus looks gorgeous. Thanks for the lovely tips 🙂

  7. Great ideas.. thanks for sharing.

  8. Loved the ideas and the presentation is fabulous 🙂

  9. Thanks all…if you have any ideas of your own, do share:)


  10. lovely ideas Sharon, i love the paper napkin ideas. In fact i saw one newspaper print fabric used on a wall in hotel last week.

  11. lovely ideas.the news paper napkin is a fab idea.

  12. Thank u Rekha and Lakshmi:)

  13. Newsprint is always an interesting idea to work with. Colombian Cafe in Bandra (Mumbai) has paper napkins with newsprint. Don't have a better pic, and this might not really give you a clue:

    PS: Love your blog post as usual. Happy 2010, you guys!

  14. Jayashree that's an awesome contribution. The pic was clear, and the napkins look great! Now I need to visit the cafe too:)

    Thanks again!
