Featured Indian store: Sanskriti Lifestyle, Pune

Featured Indian store in sanskriti lifestyle, Pune

I live in Pune, and I am often ashamed that I get around so little. Perhaps busy schedules and a demanding toddler are lame excuses, but here I am conveniently offering them to you. However, I did manage to get out and visit Sanskriti – and was happy to strike it off from the top of my ‘interior stores to visit’ list, thanks to a sudden trip to Koregaon Park’s ABC Farms (more on this later). Well, I’ll have you know that I was not disappointed – from colonial furniture to antique Indian implements, paintings and home accessories, this store is like a Wonderland for all you interior-freak Alices!

Featured Indian store in sanskriti lifestyle, Pune

Featured Indian store in sanskriti lifestyle, Pune

Featured Indian store in sanskriti lifestyle, Pune

The store is run by Sonali Pingale and her family, and they tell me that their furniture is made from old, seasoned teak wood, rosewood and mahogany, which they get from old homes & havelis that are being brought down. Some pieces are replicas of old designs. Says Devika, Sonali’s daughter, “The designs are classic and timeless. Our focus has been old colonial furniture. Traditionally this was always made in hardwoods such as teak, rosewood & mahogany. A lot of the furniture is genuinely old, restored painstakingly by our team of trained and highly carpenters and polish people.”

Featured Indian store in sanskriti lifestyle, Pune

The store is not only about the old. For their Home Decor selection, they have a collection of traditional Indian handicrafts that have been contemporarised for today’s modern homes. Traditional brassware from Tamil Nadu, wood carvings from Gujarat, enamel work from Jaipur, and many other traditional forms of Indian artistry are re-designed into mirrors, photoframes, candlestands and table accessories.

Featured Indian store in sanskriti lifestyle, Pune

Featured Indian store in sanskriti lifestyle, Pune

They also have a great range of garden furniture, and I love their lawn displays, like this one.

a great range of garden furniture

Liked it? Let me know! If you know of more places to add on my “Decor store” list, do tell me 🙂


  1. Oh wow Sharon,
    This is lovely …I was begining to wonder how long before you got to Sanskriti … awsome … great job …really loved t.

  2. What a fabulous find Sharon:) I could easily spend hours in a place like that. Beautiful wood, intricate designs:)

  3. @ Rajee, Yes it's about time I got to this one, isn't it?:) Well, better late than never!

    @ Kala, ditto for me. I had to be literally dragged out of the store, but I am going back soon. Eyeing an old Christian altar from there;)

  4. Nice Collection .. The re-use of old raw materials adds the extra appeal to it 🙂


  5. Like it??
    Yes, yes!
    Such a beautiful environment .. .

  6. @ Aswathy, yes I like that about them – and I saw their carpenters at work, was impressed by their skill!

    @Judith, thanks! Like your new profile pic:)

  7. What a GORGEOUS place!!! I heart it.

  8. Rose, you must check it out if you are in Pune. The store is spread over javascript:void(0)several outhouses a lovely lawn garden and a main house, and it feels like another world altogether! 🙂
    – Sharon

  9. Indian design always fascinates me. The pieces here are all very serene. The set up features a lot of items, but kind of reminds me of a museum.


  10. Nicolette, hi! The place is a furniture store, and with a huge collection, the museum feel can't be avoided – having been there myself, I can say though, that the displays are pretty good, for a place that stocks so much stuff!

  11. Hey, I now feel like going shopping for my house! What a beautiful store.

  12. Milli, you will love it!

  13. Gorgeous! I agree on their lovely lawn display — would almost be tempted to sit and read for a while… 🙂

  14. Thats a nice store… the wooden shelves give a classy touch and the dark cherry color is beautiful…