The lockdown can be difficult for families with kids. Here are some ideas to keep them busy, while you spend quality time together!

Kids are great little people and adapt to situations much better than us. If you are stuck at home with a bored kid, you only have to initiate something, and you can be sure you will have enthusiastic little fingers helping you!
Take this opportunity to create some amazing DIYs right at home with your kids!
Here are some ideas from my home to yours

Start by making something for the kids first. And my no. 1 choice is Pinch Pots! Make pretty Pinch Pots! Pinch Pots are very simple to make, yet look stunning. It is a great first project to take on as kids of all ages will love this!
All you need is any dough – homemade salted dough, or airdrying clay, etc. Then roll them into balls – bigger balls to make bigger pots, and smaller ones for tiny pots. Take a dough ball, and poke your thumb right down the middle Then using your index finger start pinching the dough away, moving around the dough and making it bigger and bigger until you get a pot! You could now add texture with the help of tools, or make patterns on them. Then bake at 180 degrees in your kitchen oven,and when cool, paint!

This one is for the decor crazy mom or dad. But the kids will love it too! if you have old bottles lying around – give them a good wash and let them dry. Then fill them with water, and find a little leaf or fern that fits the depth of each bottle. Immerse it fully inside the bottle then place a candle to seal off the top of the bottle. Cluster them up together, and light them every night during story time. They also make great dinner table decorations and you could have a lovely little candle light dinner with the kids tonight! This idea is one I saw on

Coming back to the kids room. I guarantee they will absolutely enjoy this one! Have fun as you hunt for the kids’ baby booties. Then just roll ‘wear’ them on the kids’ beds, study tables and chairs in their rooms, and watch them howl with laughter as their furniture now seem to have their own feet! Ideally, create this for one piece as a surprise for them, and when they get all excited, let them spend the morning creating feet for all the other furniture pieces! A day well spent in giggles and laughter!

Sun catchers with crayon shavings. Use a crayon to collect shavings in different colours. Then take two sheets of butter paper of the same size, and draw little shapes on one of them – circles, triangles, or anything you wish. Then sprinkle multicolored crayon shavings and then press the second sheet carefully on top. Now gently iron so that the two sheets stick together, sandwiching the shavings together. Next, iron on top of the sheets, until you see the wax melting and creating pretty patterns, Cut out the shapes (you will be able to see the outline of your shapes) and then string them on thread, hanging from a wooden twig!
Have you tried anything with the kids? Have a look at our Pinterest board (pincode below) where we have saved some really lovely ideas for projects to make with your kids!