There’s a lovely new website on the block, and I am happy to acquaint you with it. Beautiful Homes from Asian Paints is just like an on-line decor ‘folder’ that you can delve into for decorating hacks, information, DIYs and store features. Launched very recently, it already has refreshing little decor posts that will make you want to come back and read more, often!

Beautiful Homes, the website, is well-designed and aesthetic – two very important adjectives to be associated with, especially for a design site. The neat and uncluttered layout appealed to me immediately! It is packed with lovely images that are enough to satiate your decor hunger quite satisfactorily. But there is more. The content is lovely too. Just the way I like it. The language is crisp, clean, and not flowery! It’s a pleasure to read through the posts and gorge on the images!

While on the topic of content, I thought I would tell you to check out some of my favourite posts on the site. Cocktail Party 101 gives you the lowdown on hosting a cocktail party, including information on what alcohol to have on hand, the kind of bar equipment you will need, an easy yoghurt dip that you can whip up quickly, and more. I loved the fact that the article was put together based on advice by experts (Neha Manekia and Joshua D’souza of Silverspoon Gourmet).

Then there is the inspiration series where they talk about a style and then help you get the look. I loved the product pictures featured in this article about how to get the Industrial chic look. For those looking for hands-on decorating help, the style guides are very good! I loved that the posts are short, but rich in information. The images are very aptly chosen and match the content perfectly!

In the Icons series, you get to read about iconic brands and products in style and design such as the Fiat car, the Remington typewriter, the old rocking chair, the HMT watch, the Bajaj scooter, etc. A thoroughly enjoyable series, it evokes nostalgic memories of an era gone.

I also enjoy browsing through the other sections – food, entertainment, DIY, decorating hacks, colour advice, interviews with designers, store features, decorating techniques and Dirty Secrets.

With a less is more approach, and a keen eye on current décor trends, the best products in the market, and helpful how-to’s, Beautiful Homes covers an impressive breadth of topics. Happily décor-after indeed!
Coming soon on this blog: Decor trends for 2017.